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Dear Dawn,


This is just a short note to let you know how greatful I am to have your grooming DVD! I am just now learning how to groom my Cairn for the show ring and your DVD has helped me immensely!


The way you explain and demonstrate grooming Cairns has made it so much easier for me to understand the whole grooming process! Thanks again for making such a useful tool for Cairn lovers!


With Kind Regards,


Hope, Indianapolis, USA




Hi Dawn,


Just wanted to wish you, your family and all the dogs a very Happy Christmas!


Plus to send you a new picture to show you how inseparable Ruby and Radley are becoming. They play and they get closer every day and it's lovely.

Radley is a lovely dog, he loves his walks, very confident but very gentle.


The new vet we saw at our regular vets is a cairn owner which was lovely. She said he was a fine cairn! Praise indeed.


Have a great Christmas.


Paula X

I just thought we would let you know how thrilled we are with Misty, she has really settled in well. She is amazing with her toilet training and we have you to thank for that. We had a couple of nights when she did cry but nothing last night which was lovely.


I have attached a couple of pictures so you can see how she is progressing. We did take her to the vets last week and they said she was perfect but that you had done most of their job, I think they were very impressed.





Mrs P purchased a copy of Dawn’s Grooming DVD and Dawn has been helping with grooming advice. This is what she said:


I looked at your website and FB pages yesterday. What beautiful dogs you have!!! And you family and friends must be so wonderful and lucky to be involved.


Thank you so very much for being willing to help people better care for their Cairns and to be such a contributing factor to the betterment of the breed!!!


Mrs P from USA

Hi Dawn.


Thought it was time for an update. All continues to go very well with Stan. Sleeping soooo! good and eating, no problem.


Delivery from Natural Instincts came today, thank you for that info, very helpful and excellent delivery service.


He is so funny loves his toys, boxes and milk cartons and carries things around until he decides to attack the plastic clips on the baby gate!!


Hates the washing machine ( even if not on) we have decided it's the reflection.We are going out for little walks - carry for Stan.


He is fine and getting used to birds and especially sea gulls!!


The main thing to tell you however is from a our visit to the vets today. He asked us to pass on his congratulations to you!!! Apart from what a very handsome boy he is, he is most impressed with everything about him. More than happy with the food he is and has been having, proof of it being very good. Everything he checked over he referred to as excellent!! Most impressed that he is so well paper trained - he has been great with that, vets said his puppy took weeks!!


I think you probably don't need testimonials but if ever you did our vet has certainly given you one.


We are delighted with Stan. Feels like he has been part of our life's so much longer than five days. With best wishes and love from us all.



We first met Dawn and Rosemary over 7 years ago, when we were looking for two Cairn puppies. From our first email contact with Dawn, she was so friendly, helpful and clearly knowledgeable about Cairns and gave us some sound advice about potential Cairn ownership.


Then, a few weeks later, we went over to meet Dawn and her mum to meet some of her dogs and to ‘talk Cairn’. From that first meeting, we are now 7 years down the line, living with 3 of the most wonderful Cairns terriers ever and more importantly, they are Carradine cairn terriers!!!


Through these years, Dawn and Rosemary have not only offered endless help and advice on all things ‘cairn’ but have also become close and very very special, friends.


Dawn and Rosemary supported and helped us in those first exciting weeks of puppy ownership. They were always at the end of the phone or the end of an email when we needed help! Their experience and knowledge is never ending and they are always willing to share this with people that they meet.


From this wonderful start on our Cairn journey, we visited Dawn regularly for dog grooming appointments.


We had always wanted to show our dogs, so again, Dawn and Rosemary were there, at every show, offering and sharing their vast experience and guidance to us mere novices. They helped us develop the fine art of showing, they gently advised us on how to change what we were doing in order to get the best out of our dogs. And, without fail, they were there to congratulate us when we did well and even more importantly, to congratulate us when we didn’t win!!!! Both Dawn and Rosemary are selfless in their support and their focus is on all Cairns doing their best – win or lose!


Of course, there were celebrations when we made up our first Champion and when all the dogs won their first CC, but it was sharing it with such special people that made every win, every last place and every show a fun and happy experience for the dogs and for us all – and that’s what makes being around Cairns so wonderfully fulfilling and enjoyable.


As our friendship has grown, we always have such a happy time in Dawn and Rosemary’s company and the glue that sticks us all together is our love of Cairns. And never do we all meet where it doesn’t end in exchanging tales of the funny moments of owning Cairns and laughing heartily as we do!


Our dogs are very special, as all dogs are to their owners. Living with Cairns is an experience in itself – they are great fun to be around and always make us smile, whether having a silly moment or just snuggling up for a cuddle.


Showing the dogs is just a hobby, living with our Cairns every day is a joy. We are always grateful to Dawn and Rosemary for letting us have Carradine cairns and for the friendship that we have with them now and will have forever more.


Carradine is a kennel we are proud to be associated with. As for the future – well, it certainly means more Team Carradine moments and of course, more Cairns!!!!!


Nick King & Gerry Leighton

Kennel Carradine & Dawn Carradine Inett

Licenced by Wychavon District Council to Breed Dogs with a 5 Star Licence
Licence Number 202/02312/ANIACT

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