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Winnie in Melbourne

Updated: Dec 19, 2024

The first flight was 7 hours to Dubai. It went quite quick really, watching TV, snoozing and chatting. We landed at ridiculous o’clock. I was tired and won’t tell you what a foul mood I was in. We had to walk (I stomped, I was miserable) through the huge airport to pick up our next flight to Melbourne. It felt like we landed at one end of the airport and had to walk to the other. The airport was like a large town and my sense of humour had departed me…

We boarded the flight and settled in. 13 hours ahead of us. We had pre booked seats with extra leg room, by the emergency door. It was great, just the Other Half and me, no one else to sit next to. Those who know me, know that I am not keen on sitting next to strangers. I do like people but I can also be a tad awkward with social chit chat and find it hard to “get to know” someone new. I would just rather not bother. I am not anti-social, not always. I would say I prefer my own company. There was just 2 seats together, my version of fun…

I have written another blog – Snow Dogs – that tells you more about our flight but for now I can share that the flight went well, we arrived. We found our hotel for the first night in Australia and checked in.

We had planned a large, or several large drinks in the bar before bed. It was still around early afternoon back at home (Worcester, UK) so we were technically going to bed at an odd time for us BUT in order to get into Australia time we knew we had to sleep.

Drink ordered, we sat chatting. Then across the way in another part of the bar, THE song played… Chris sprung up out of his chair and we dashed to watch Winnie on screen. Winne, if you don’t know already, stars in the Lewis Capaldi music video for his Number one song Wish you the best!

We both stood there thrilled, delighted and crying! We were exhausted from our trip and emotions run high when exhaustion kicks in so, to see one of our dogs on screen, on the other side of the world, quite simply made our day.

I messaged Molly, who owns Winnie now and together we celebrated.

Some moments are made for bottling and that was one of those!

I sent “we have arrived” messages home

We went to bed full of anticipation

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