The Norwich pups had their first trip outside. We take them, wrapped in blankets, to the front gate. Peepping over to see the traffic and watching passers-by is quite enough for the little ones when they are 4 weeks and 6 days old😍 Its amazing what the camera catches that the eye doesn’t always see… Nugget has already perfected stink eye👀 Mac thought it tongue out Tuesday Donald appears to be whistling and Chicken is just cuteness herself We have noticed a major difference between Cairn and Norwich pups at this age, well with this litter and from our limited experience of Norwich babies😉. Norwich babies don’t bite! Cairns at this age are swinging off your trousers and you certainly know when they go from gummy to shark! Norwich babies are so well mannered, they just lick for now…
These early trips outside are so important and form the foundation of puppy socialisation
A common error people make with socialising young pups, is they introduce too much, too quickly. It is so important to always work in an individual manner with each puppy.
I will cover socialisation in another blog
For now, enjoy the cute puppy pictures of the Norwich Terrier pups when they were just under 5 weeks of age…