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Day 7: the rest of the day, post climb

We took some time just to stand and look at the bridge from the quay side and I will apologise now to everyone I now know or will ever meet in my future. If you are with me when I see the Sydney Harbour Bridge in a magazine or on TV, you will hear these words

I have climbed up there, I have stood at the top, under that little red light

Standing in awe of the bridge, we decided to take a tour around the harbour by boat, to see different views. We boarded a tour boat and sat back. The guide filled us full of facts…

  • we could go whale watching from Sydney Harbour

  • there is a concrete island in the middle of the harbour, it was originally built to protect the harbour and early colonies but it is now an exclusive restaurant. tickets for New years eve are over 500 Aus dollars! Mind you, it has perfect views of the Opera house and Bridge so you would get a wonderful experience of the fireworks

  • there is 5 million people in Sydney

  • there is 27 million people in Australia

  • the Opera house has air conditioning which is cooled by water pumped from the harbour

  • just around the corner in the next bay from the Opera house is a naval base, 3 naval boats were in port

  • the UK will fit into Australia 32 times with room to spare (the other half provided that fact, we love facts!)

There were 2 or 3 ice cream shops around the quayside with a multitude of flavours… we challenged ourselves to sample a few… they were all rather nice😉😍

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